Jun 30, 2009
Tea Cup Bird Feeder

Jun 28, 2009
A Bulletin Board Craft

This image is from the Jeanne d Arch whole sale catalog. Unfortunately, there is thousand dollar minimum order to purchase this item. It is such a clever piece, I thought it would be fairly easy and fun to make. All that is needed, is a frame or an old window, decorative paper, and some wire cable. Add a few clothes pins and you have your very own custom made bulletin board. I can wait to get started and when I do, I will be sure to post it. Hope this inspires you to attempt one of your own.
Jun 27, 2009
Jun 26, 2009
Welcome to the Chalk Board Party

Simple, Yet functional Craft Project

How easy is this. I found this in Country Living Magazine and I love the simplicity and graphic appeal of this project. All that is needed to complete this project is terracotta pots, number stencils, and black Paint and the end result has such curb appeal. Not to mention, the pots serve dual purpose. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did and that it inspires you.
Jun 23, 2009
Creating Flower Vases Out Of The Unexpected

This projects can be completed within minutes and the cost is minimal. All you need is a couple of old bottles and some 18 gauge wire. Once you have wrapped the bottle all you have to do is create a wire handle. Then, just add some flowers from your garden and It looks fabulous. I have used this same concept to create candle holders to hang from the trees in the backyard.
In the past, I have used this project to place an individual flower arrangement at each place setting on the table. If you enlarge the holes (I used an ice pick) the lid acts as a flower frog. I used new inexpensive salt shakers however, you could collect some vintage ones.
Jun 21, 2009
Wine Corks Turned Decor

Jun 20, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
Jun 19, 2009
Beautiful Inspiration
Jun 18, 2009
It's A Party Over at My Desert Cottage . . . .

Repurposed Art

No longer forward nor behind
I look in hope or fear:
But grateful, take the good I find
The best in now and here.
John Greenleaf Whittier
Jun 17, 2009
Fun Ways to Repurpose An Old Lunch Pal

Jun 16, 2009
Jun 15, 2009
Jun 14, 2009
Hand Made Pillows

I have been collecting vintage table cloth's that I purchased at flea markets and garage sales for quit some time now. Most of them are stained and tatter but that's o.k. because I want to cut them up and make pillows out of them. Collectively, they look amazing in an old wicker rocker sitting on the front porch or on a screen in porch. I have a sister who is an amazing seamstress and yet, I have always been afraid to attempt sewing. Then out of the blue, my 1o year old decided she wanted to learn how to sew and with the guidance of my talented sister they have made several darling things together. This has given me the courage to attempt a straight stitch. Especially, since my 10 year old can thread the machine for me. When I saw this photo, it gave me the inspiration I needed to get started. I hope you also feel inspired today!
Jun 13, 2009
A Before & After Project . . . .
Jun 12, 2009
Vintage Red
Jun 11, 2009
A Place To Call My Own

Jun 10, 2009
Chair Redo
Jun 8, 2009
Love Of Salvage
Jun 7, 2009
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