Feb 18, 2011

Milk Glass Relocation

I decided to do some rearranging which lead to painting the inside of this old red cabinet and relocating my milk glass collection. This actually all started with a birthday wish to take down a wall in my kitchen which started a change react of relocation's. I have more to share but, it's work in progress!!!!

Oh. this is my first attempt at card making, as my skills improve I will share more. A very sweet friend made my birthday very special and I wanted to give her a thank you from the heart! (you know hand made)
Take care!

Feb 8, 2011

Creating Wall Collages

I love to create wall collages. This one is in my office.
This is the beginning of my next project, a plate collage. I can't wait to find just the right plates to complete this wall. Below are a few pics from the web that lend me "plate collage inspiration."

Take care,

Feb 6, 2011

String Tags Turned into Valentines Day Fun!!

A sweet little recycle project for Valentines Days. I simply reused an empty salsa jar, spray painted the lid, used ribbon and burlap, and added a homemade tag. Then fill it with your true Love's favorite treat!

Take care,