Feb 18, 2011

Milk Glass Relocation

I decided to do some rearranging which lead to painting the inside of this old red cabinet and relocating my milk glass collection. This actually all started with a birthday wish to take down a wall in my kitchen which started a change react of relocation's. I have more to share but, it's work in progress!!!!

Oh. this is my first attempt at card making, as my skills improve I will share more. A very sweet friend made my birthday very special and I wanted to give her a thank you from the heart! (you know hand made)
Take care!


  1. Thanx for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. My grandmother (rest her soul) collected milk glass. My cousin in Indiana received most of it, because I had other items that were dear and near to my heart that Nannie had, but I do love your collection. Especially grouped together...really makes a statement! Keep Junkin' and Carr On...The Cranky Queen Tiff

  2. Great color choice inside the cabinet - looks GOOD!

  3. I especially love the birds. They are so "in" right now.

  4. That card is amazing.. I love it!!!! Can't wait to see them at the shop!

  5. What color are you painting the inside of your cabinet?

    And honey for your first time making cards you did a fabulous job that is just too cute

