Jun 1, 2010

Repurposed Base Board Project & A Few Garage Sale Finds Redos!

I apologize for being MIA, my computer monitor went out along with my ipod touch and air conditioner. Thank God the air conditioner was only a $200.00 dollar fix. I am using my daughters computer monitor and I have to unplug it every time I want to use it. I haven't taken the touch in but, I am hoping it is an easy fix. The screen went black???? Onto better things, I purchased some old floor molding and this is what I have been making out of it! Hanging flower vases! I used a 12 inch piece of molding, painted it, and attached an old vintage bottle with 18 gauge wire and VIOLA you have an instant flower vase.

I found these two beauties at the GW. They were already painted a darling light pink. Unfortunately, the pink did not show up very well in my pics. They were absolutely darling except for the hideous seat covers.
So, I ran through the skirt isle and found this hip and happening print that would fit the seats perfectly.

I have always loved chicks and hens and a very sweet person gave me these to me and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them. I planted them in an old kitchen strainer and placed them in the garden on an old school chair. To sweet!

Finally, this is a little cabinet that I picked up over the weekend and I simply sanded and painted it!



Take care!


  1. Great redos!!! I especially love that fabric you used on the chairs.

  2. As always, I love all your creations!

  3. Hey, I just saw those chairs in the Mercantile when I stopped in to pick up my left-behind jewelry! They are great! Mary Ann was so sweet and apologetic but no apologies were needed. I did LOVE the cupcake I bought with the gift cert. she gave me.

    By the way, I took your advice and started a blog!


  4. Good to see you again--sorry to hear about your monitor.
    Love your ideas.


  5. Thanks for sharing, great post.

  6. Great post and inspiration to start my summer projects!! Thanks!

  7. Love seeing other people's garage sale finds...you did good and love what you did with them.
    You're welcome to come over and see my latest finds!
