May 13, 2010

April Showers Brings May Flowers . . . Paper Ones of Course

I used one these Antique Flyers that I found at my favorite little antique shop in old Milford called The Mercantile Mall.
I got my inspiration for this project from this post by I had a party to go to and thought how cute it would be to use a version of this paper flower to put on top of the gift instead of a traditional bow. I used a combination of the above paper flowers and the Marth Stewart Pom Pom's. Although it did not photograph well, it really was sweet looking a top the gift!

Take care!


  1. Too cute. Thats a great way to recycle junk mail!
    I'm so bummed that we cant go to the Extravaganza today.

  2. Hi There!
    Thank you so much for words and thank you for praying for my family!!!! We are sister because we are daughters of a King!

  3. That is adorable! That is the best use of newspaper I have seen yet!!! I hope you will be making some of these for the store too! Go Green Brenda! :)

  4. so festive and pretty!!!! heart it!

  5. I am SO going to make myself some of those, they look great! Do pop over to my blog, I'm having a giveaway
