Apr 30, 2010

Vintage Goodness

Just thought I would share a few of my recent vintage finds that I repurposed. A Champagne bucket turned flower pot.

Old Pharmacy bottles turned interesting decor/conversation's piece and . . . .

A Vintage suit case that I painted and now is ready for decoupage!

I am working on several fun pieces but, my seasonal allergies are slowing me down.
Hope to have a fun post sooooon!
Take care!

Apr 26, 2010

Craft Room Storage Ideas

It's not secret, organization makes our lives so much easier. For me, it is a constant work in process. One closet or drawer at a time. I thought I would share some pics that I found inspirational. Hopefully, you will feel inspired as well!

Take care!

Apr 24, 2010

Two Exciting Garage Sale Finds . . . .

The search is finally over, this seven drawer cabinet is exactly what I have been looking for to keep my craft supplies. It is such a fun piece and I am not sure if I want to keep it natural wood or paint and distressed it. However, I did not waste any time filling it up and it holds a ton!!!

At the same garage sale, I found some vintage chess pieces to add to my collection of game pieces. Fortunately, I had one milk jar left! I am so pathetic, it just doesn't take much to make me happy. Hope your weekend finds were as fun as mine.

Take care!

Apr 19, 2010

A Small Furniture Piece Redo, A Garage Sale Find, and A Fun idea

First, I wanted to mention that it is my one year blogging anniversary! I totally cannot believe it has been an entire year since I made my first post. Thank you so much for a fun year and a very special thanks to my sweet blogging friends who took the time out of their busy schedules to leave me such thoughtful and encouraging comments. I truly feel blessed.
Well here is to another great year. This is a little project that I worked on this morning. I am trying to reduce my project pile in the garage. It is a small piece but, it is cute and quite functional.

The Before!

I found these two items at a recent garage sale and I can't wait to put plants in them.. The wire basket will be filled with moss and both will get flowers planted in them. I looooove to container garden and these are perfect for my eclectic garden.

Finally, this is just a fun and funky idea. Take an old small bed frame and decoupage an enlarged old black and white photo to the head board. Obviously you would need a large wall to hang such a piece but I think it is so stinking cool!!!

Take care!

Apr 16, 2010

A Couple to Garage Sale REDO's and a Jonque Bracelet

I found this basket at a garage sale. It still had the original price tag of $16.99 from TJ maxx's. I thought it would make the perfect storage for all of my massive magazines collection that I have scattered all over the house. I wanted to slide it under the television stand in the family room but it needed a little height to it. So, I took a scrap piece of wood and added some industrial looking wheels and it gave it the height that it so needed.

This vintage stool has beautiful brass legs but it just needed to recovered in a fun print to give it a little PIZZAZZ!

It like the way it turned out!!

Finally, this is a Jonque bracelet that I recently made out of some more "charmers" that I have collected over the years. I especially love the peace sign. The fun thing about this bracelet is every little charmer has a story.

Have a beautiful weekend!!!!

Apr 12, 2010

A Silhouette Project and Some Fun Storage Ideas

I swoon bird silhouettes and wanted to do a project with one for some time. I needed to fill in a small space in a collage on my family room wall and this frame was the perfect size. When I got started, I ripped a page out of the dictionary to create the birds feathers and low and behold that the random piece that I cut out had the definition of embellish on it. IS THAT SERENDIPITY OR WHAT? I am in the process of painting the family room and the walls are covered with spackle but, once I get it painted I will post the collage. (It is above my desk and I loooooove it.)

I went garage selling this weekend and picked up 6 old milk bottles and some more game pieces and this is what I did with them.

Finally, I went to Michael's this weekend and found these little jars for $1.00. I got this idea from my talented friend Stephanie over at The Vintage Glitter House and I thought it was so stinking clever. It is not only extremely functional but, it looks adorable in my craft area.

So this is what I did with my weekend along with kids activities, laundry, cleaning(which included my disastrous garage), painted a few pieces, and worked on some more Jonque bracelets (which has become my new obsession.)

Apr 9, 2010

Smitten With "Jonque" Jewlery

I found this "Jonque" bracelet made by a vendor/artist at my favorite little Antique shop in Milford, OH the Mercantile Mall. I instantly fell in love. It cost $15.00 and I wanted to buy every single one she had but unfortunately, that was not an option.

When I wore my bracelet for the first time, I did not like how she attached the letter "Z" so I took it off, drilled a hole and used a jump ring to re attach it and I decided that this look was much better. Well, that sparked my idea, Maybeeeee, I could make one of these fun bracelets for myself. I just used odds and ends that I had around the house and got started.

NOW, I am on a mission to find all sorts of tiny Junk items to make a few more of these fun little charmers!. Thanks to AD for getting me inspired!

When I asked my 9 year old son what he thought it, he simply said, "It looks like a bunch of junk on a chain" I laughed and said, "Oh that's wonderful - that is exactly what I was going for."

Apr 6, 2010

Spring Means I Can Start Working On My Plethora of Projects In the Garage . . . .Yea!

My disastrous garage.

This is a little maple side table that has been in the gargage for approximately a year and I finished it this morning. I think it would look cute in the kitchen.

Nothing like beautiful weather to motivate me! Hope you are having beautiful weather also!
Take care.