Apr 9, 2010

Smitten With "Jonque" Jewlery

I found this "Jonque" bracelet made by a vendor/artist at my favorite little Antique shop in Milford, OH the Mercantile Mall. I instantly fell in love. It cost $15.00 and I wanted to buy every single one she had but unfortunately, that was not an option.

When I wore my bracelet for the first time, I did not like how she attached the letter "Z" so I took it off, drilled a hole and used a jump ring to re attach it and I decided that this look was much better. Well, that sparked my idea, Maybeeeee, I could make one of these fun bracelets for myself. I just used odds and ends that I had around the house and got started.

NOW, I am on a mission to find all sorts of tiny Junk items to make a few more of these fun little charmers!. Thanks to AD for getting me inspired!

When I asked my 9 year old son what he thought it, he simply said, "It looks like a bunch of junk on a chain" I laughed and said, "Oh that's wonderful - that is exactly what I was going for."


  1. Now that's funny! My Mother-n-law made the mistake of asking my 11 year old son if he liked her new red hair color- he said "no, it's to red" You gotta love young men who tell it like it is! Btw- LOVE your bracelet even more than the one you bought!!

  2. Great job! Thank you SOOOOO much for this inspiration! I have been stockpiling all sorts of little bits to make one of these myself and just haven't found the time. Now I am all excited!!


  3. Love the bracelets! Men do tell it like it is!

    Have a great weekend.


  4. I just found your blog and I love your junk bracelet! I too need to use up my stash, I will have to try this soon too! Suzie

  5. Love your bracelets!!! Looks like they were alot of fun to make~~Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. julie
