Jun 7, 2009

Weekend Garage Sale Finds . . . .

I found this jar with the word "Goodies" unscripted across the front and I had to grab it up. I immediately filled it with vintage cookie cutters and other miscellaneous items that I have collected and it looks darling sitting in my kitchen. I also found these Martha Stewart books in mint condition for only .50 each. I was especially excited about the Halloween book since, I absolutely love to decorate for Halloween. Overall, it was a great day.


  1. Great finds! You should share this on Southern Hospitality's blog. http://southernhospitality-rhoda.blogspot.com/2009/06/i-love-yardsales.html

  2. Wow, those books were a great find! I'm not a super fan of Martha but her Halloween ideas really are terrific! Bummer about the cloche...
    Glad you had a great weekend!

    My Desert Cottage

  3. Wow - those are all great finds! I especially love the books. Great job!
