Jun 5, 2009

Unexpected organization

Photo credit: BHG
I love muffin pans. I used them in so many non conventional ways. I use them to organized my jewelry, beads, buttons and even desk supplies. I also use them when I am painting. I find it easier than using the traditional paint palette and the clean up is simple. The fact that they come in various sizes is beneficial depending on your project. If you look closely, no two are alike. Best of all you can pick them up at your local thrift store for about a dollar.


  1. Oh, to use them for painting is a new one. Great idea!!! I just popped over to tell you how much it meant to me that some of you non-winners stopped by and left a message even though you didn't win. I meant a lot to me.
    What a sweetie!

  2. I love them too. I painted mine hot pink.
