Oct 11, 2010

Antique Print Printer's Drawer Turned Shadow Box

Photo credit: Green Chair Press.com
I love antique wood type almost as much as I love antique print printer's trays. I am always trying to come up with creative ways to repurpose them. I found this one at a recent garage sale and I thought how fun it would be to create a vacation memory box.

Take care!


  1. So pretty! (and so close, I'm in Central Florida). I have two of these I need to work on. They are so beautiful empty that I get nervous about getting started! lol Thanks for sharing!

    Vicki at

  2. Looks great. I have several old printer's drawers in my studio waiting for me to do something with them. I love your idea....just might have to go dig one out!

  3. What a great idea! I love the idea of making something like this up to remember a vacation. I purchased something just like this and it has 12 "boxes". My intention is to do it up for Christmas along the 12 days of Christmas theme using papers, pictures and embellishments.

  4. Ooh! I love a good shadow box! These turned out great!
