Mar 24, 2010

Burlap Coffee Sack Turned Wall Art . . . . Plan B

I had a project all set and ready to go for this coffee sack. I planned to cover a foot stool and I even made a cute little flirty skirt for the bottom of it. However, when I started to cover the top of the stool, I quickly discovered that the print was completely off center. (bleep, bleep, bleep!) So, here's Plan B. I recently found this frame in the trash and I thought hmmm, why not a graphic piece of wall art? I guess this project is truly trash to treasure.

This has nothing to do with my post but, I went to the flea market over the weekend and found a vendor that was selling vintage photos. Most of them were black and whites of children. My heart skipped a beat. I absolutely love vintage photos of children. I bought several of them this one was one of my favorites. It even comes complete with an apparition. JK -Just kidding! I am thinking of project that I can use them.


  1. Sometimes when things don't work out as planned, Plan B is better! I think this turned out great and I love the vignette you have it in.

  2. Great job! I tend to keep little pieces of burlap that I've oopsies on and hang them up in random places. I think I'm a little obsessed with burlap but that's a whole other story - lol!

    And how am I always a day late and a dollar short - my sister always gets her comments in before me. Doh!

  3. What a marvelous idea. Looks fantastic with the accessories. Ann

  4. Ok so i adore you blog, and i started my blog as also a kind of journal of what I just love most, vintage furniture, well all that is vintage, style-design, and creating & well now im hooked.. There are so many creative and sharing and oh so inspirational ladies out there. Love it all, lately i have been a burlap fan.. Usually i like the more eclectic or pink but liking the linens-burlap.. Love your blog, and am now a follower. Cant wait to see more of your journal...

  5. Sometimes the projects we end up with are much better than they ones we'd planned on. Love your idea. I also love vintage children photos. Somehow I seem to have a special place in my heart just for them.

  6. Hi Bren, That's too funny about your printing not being centered! I found out the HARD WAY... AFTER I stapled the entire piece!! It is not a pretty thing removing staples from burlap, let me tell ya. But, after removing the staples, my solution was to sew two plain pieces of burlap to each side of the art work, thus giving me plenty of fabric to center it - and then re-staple :). I love your solution too! Next time I'll just frame it.

  7. I've just discovered your fun blog and I've really enjoyed reading many of your posts and discovering great projects! I look forward to reading more!

  8. It turned out great - it is fun when projects end up being better that what we planned! I agree with the other comments, it looks great with the surrounding pieces.


  9. Love the burlap sitting on the black piece with your white dishes. Just found your blog and became a follower. Stop by and see me anytime. The door is always open!

  10. Great idea! I just found some coffee burlap sacks at a yard sale and I am going to frame them too.
    Great blog!
