Nov 30, 2009

A Vintage Christmas

I absolutely love vintage ornaments. There is just something so charming about them. I have been collecting them for several years now. Last year my boys bounced a basketball into the bowl that I was displaying them in and ended up breaking about ten of them. That's when I came up with displaying them under glass on a cake plate. I love the way it looks and so I thought I would share this idea since, it is something you could incorporate into your own decor with new or vintage ornaments.

A vintage vignette under a glass cloche. So easy and yet, it makes such a statement!

Vintage ornaments displayed in silver compotes.

I had to share this, I found this vintage tree and ornaments at a garage sale for $2. I was soooo excited. The vintage silver trees are so feastive and fun!!!

I just wanted to thank everyone for stopping by my blog and I apologize for the unexpected blog break! I've missed my blog friends!

Nov 10, 2009

A Collection of Fall Center Piece Ideas

This collection of fall center piece ideas came from BHG, Martha Stewart, Pottery Barn, Arhaus Furniture, and HGTV. Most of these ideas could be easily duplicated and or tweaked to suit your individual table scapes. My personal favorites are the first four. I plan to use some sort of variation of one of them. I hope you will feel inspired and find one that you can implement on your own dinner table. Enjoy!

Nov 3, 2009

Place Card Ideas

Just thinking ahead to the upcoming holiday season and wanting to come up with some fun and simple place card ideas. Here are a few ideas from the web and in the next few days I hope to post a few of my ideas. Some of these could be easily tweaked to your own color scheme. How easy is this first one, a permanent fabric marker on an inexpensive linen towel.

Courtesy of Heather Bullard

Courtesy of Pottery Barn