Oct 18, 2009

Halloween Party Favor/Decoration

Before I talk about this project, I wanted to apologize for my FTP - Failure to Post. Unfortunately, I had the flu which went into respiratory issues and it's taken me a little while to get back on my feet. You know that I am sick when I don't feel like blogging or looking at my beloved magazine. I thank God I am getting better and I'm back in blog world.

This is such a fun project and once you have a template you could potentially make dozens of them in a short amount of time. I not only used them as a part of my Halloween decor but, they also serve as wonderful party favors.

These are the supplies need. I used glittered foam stickers and they truly make the project however, you could embellish this project with what ever you have on hand i.e. ribbon, glitter, etc.

These are the papers I used - Did I mention that I have an obsession with paper?

This is the rough template that I used. I cut the sheets of paper into 5 by 5 pieces. Then I made a fold approximately a 1/2 inch across the top. Then I folded the paper in half leaving a 3/8 inch lip (which you will glue down) At this point you are ready to glue, embellish, and stuff.
(Note: the above template is upside down)


  1. Glad you are feeling better, welcome back! These are so cute, and you're right, the glitter letters really do "make" them!

  2. By the way, I had a tough time commenting on this post, you may want to turn the word verification thingy off because it is getting cut off & you have to use the tab button to get to it.

  3. Very nice! Where did you get that great paper?

  4. I am sorry to hear you have not been well, welcome back. Thanks for all your crafty tips.

  5. These are very cute - I would love to make these for the kids at our Halloween party! Thanks for sharing.


  6. So sorry to hear you have been ill. SO far, we have escaped that nasty thing! (the flu) LOve your projects..love your blog!! Thanks for visiting mine and your kind comments!!

  7. So sorry to hear you have been sick....love this post--lots of fun ideas.
    Feel better

  8. Looks like it's going to be a great weekend coming up next week!

  9. so CUTE! Thanks for sharing! I love your blog, your very creative.
