Oct 29, 2009

All Hallows Eve - Martha Stewart & Grandin Road

I know everyone is probably tired of my Halloween obsession. I promise this is my last post regarding the fabulous holiday. I just wanted to share this catalog with everyone since, Martha Stewart and Grandin Road have paired up and they came out with the most amazing Halloween decor. http://www.grandinroad.com All of the above items are now 50% off. I can't wait to place my order. If nothing else, the catalog is worth checking out for awesome decorating ideas if you are planning a party.


  1. Thanks for commenting on Crafting Chicks, so there are 6-8 of us that contribute to the blog, and I WISH is did it all, but that wouldn't be realistic would it :) Cute blog, and I soooo am a lover of Halloween, it's the best.


  2. what a awesome blog,filled with sooooo much eye candy...thanks

  3. I recently was awarded the Kreativ Blogger Award and I am passing it onto you! Come by my blog when you get a chance to collect it. : )

  4. 50% off is a real bargain, keep them for next year.....have a great Halloween weekend.

  5. Hey Brenda when you get a minute give me a call or email me.. I wanted the phone number for the store.. I can't seem to find it.. Thanks
