Sep 11, 2009

I Can't Just Stop At One . . . .

These are just a few pics of my decorating "style" from around my house and I've discovered that I have an obsession with decorating in multiples. I don't think I ever buy just one of anything. Does anyone else have this problem?


  1. Absolutely! I went to school for Interior Design, so I was taught to and still always arrange things in groups of 3's or 5's. I love the balance and I only do something solo if its a bold statement piece. Love the collection of mirrors and art on the red wall - gorgeous!

  2. Brenda, don't forget the yard sale at my house on Osceola tomorrow.. If you want to stop by before, then call me on my cell 615-3066.. Be sure to tell steph too, and your sister in law too, I have lots of fabric for sewing!
    Hope to see you there!

  3. Ha! I am totally with you! If I like something, I want 3 of them, not just one. The great thing about having a shop is I can continue to buy the things I love and then sell them. I've learned I only need to keep my very favorite and that makes them more special. Love your collections...especially the tole trays. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Oh yes!!! That's me too!! I have a hard time buying just one of anything!!! "What if I get home and I need another one???"
    Thank you so much for coming buy and leaving such sweet words of encouragement. It really means a lot!!!!

    My Desert Cottage

  5. Oh yes! I have this problem. If I see one, then I think two is better, but three is best of all! You have your pretties arranged so nicely!

  6. I enjoyed this post. Your style is so much like mine. I absolutely love the black and white plates in the first picture.

  7. Wow, you do have a lot of mutiples, but everything looks great, I love your style.

  8. Okay, I want your stuff.... I really like the first set of black and white prints, and the white plate with the black trim.

  9. AAAAM..yeah, I'm gonna need you to come to my house & fix my walls...cause your's look GREAT!
    I for one feel that any type of collections are like Lays potatoe can't have JUST one!!

  10. I don't think I have that problem. I don't think I have that problem. I don't think I have that problem. (But if that's your problem, it's a good one!)

  11. I was at another blog and those plates caught my eye on her sidebar! I found two of that pattern at Goodwill a while ago! They look wonderful grouped together. I also like those pictures in the black frames - architectural prints? Everything looks really great!


  12. Wow! I`m specheless!Lol
    What a beautiful home, you have!
    Can`t wait to see more, for great inspirational ideas!
    Thanks for sharing.


  13. I love all your different wall colors! And in the last pic...those plates are fab! Where did you find?

    yapping cat

  14. OK..I know this post is old and crusty, but this is the second hint of this old window with red fabric. I want to see the whole window!!! :) Is there somewhere I can see it?????? :) :) :)
