Aug 4, 2009

Vintage Earring Magnets

So simple and yet so stinking cute. Vintage jewelry magnets on old tole trays. These are the tole trays that I got junking on Saturday. What better way to use these old earrings than to add a little bling to your tole tray turn message board.


  1. Love it!!!!! Thanks for the inspiration!
    Christina :)

  2. Such a cute idea, especially for those earrings missing their mate!

  3. What a brillant and beautiful idea!!

  4. I love those trays ... you have the best luck finding them! That is a great idea to use those earrings, love the sparkle and the continuing vintage theme!

  5. I think I have these same trays!! What a fab idea!!!

  6. What a great idea. Love the tole trays.. I have a few of those. Even some smaller ones. Would be a cute gift.. Thanks for sharing..

  7. Nice off you to stop by.
    I have spent a long time looking at you inspiring blog. Great ideas.
    Thanks for sharing them

  8. Hi. I found your blog from Embellished Bayou. I love the idea of using vintage earrings as magnets. I bought a huge bag of vintage jewelry recently at an antique store (got it all for $5.00) and I've got several earrings that would make perfect magnets. Thanks for the idea. I'm going to add you as one of my favorites. I just started my blog a couple of weeks ago. Stop by for a visit.

  9. I LOVE that earring idea!!! I have a thing for vintage earrings!(my hubby calls me "little crow"...cuz where there's bling, there I am!) I have taken a few pairs apart, that can dangle & remake them & I wear the heck out them. But have always just sighed as the others just sitting in my vintage jewelery box, with no where to go. BUT not any more! Thanks for sharing! Rosycheeks
