Aug 23, 2009

Chandelier Fun

The work of Petra Boase of the book Candles

This post may not appeal to all audiences but, I think it's kind of cute. I made this for my daughter's room. Remember this wire basket I got at a garage sale a couple weeks ago well, I thought it might make a darling lamp shade. So, I embellished it with vintage ear rings, pins, chandelier crystals, and Christmas ornaments. Unfortunately, it was a bit difficult to photograph and adequately capture the way the light travels through the crystals and bounces off the other embellishments but , it really is beautiful when the lamp it turned on. Next, I want to attempt my own chandelier like the one shown above designed by Petra Boase and embellish it for Halloween. Future post.


  1. Fabulous! You'll have to share photos of it in the room. Good luck with the other chandelier.

  2. I bet the light just ricochets everywhere with those baubles!

  3. I love it ... I'm sure it looks beautiful all lit up. Can't wait to see the other one! That's a great way to use up some odds and ends and mismatched pieces.

  4. It certainly appeals to me!!!!!!! This is just sooooo fabulous!!!!!!! Thank you!

  5. I would love to see it lit up at night, very clever. Does your daughter love it?

  6. Love, love, love your cool lampshade!!!! Wire is my favorite to work with....can't wait to see your chandelier----(I haven't seen Petra's work before, but I have made some things similar, and it is really fun, but very labor intensive!!)

  7. LOVE it! My daughter would love it too. She wants a "french" bedroom. :) So adorable and creative of you! Wish I could step outside my comfort zone and be more daring like you are! I LONG for a chandelier in my office in place of the silly dome that's in here. Sighhh..... someday.

  8. Too cute. I bet M. loves it. Now I wished I hadn't walked past the basket.
    You are so talented!!!

  9. I love your lamp and I think it's perfect for a girls room. Great job!!

  10. I love it! I bet your daughter does too. I am working on something similar as well. I found an old lamp shade at Goodwill and tore it apart. Now I will re-construct it using all sort of goodies. I'll post mine too when it's done. You mentioned a typewriter that you used to have but gave away! Don't worry you are bot the only one to do silly things like that. I am the QUEEN of throwing things away that I regretted later. I get in a crazy cleaning out phase and think "I'll never use this..." Then inevitably less than a month later I'm looking all over the house for it!!!

    My Desert Cottage

  11. I apologize for not leaving a comment earlier. I wanted to follow your blog and I was short on time this afternoon. Your lampshade is so creative. I have wanted to try this, but just have not gotten around to it. Yours is great, and wouldn't the chandelier be so fun for Halloween. Be sure and let us take a looky when you do. Thanks for coming by!
