Jul 22, 2009

A Simple and Fun Way To Display/Organize Your Earrings

This project could not be more simple. All that is needed is a cute picture frame, wire mesh, fabric, and a staple gun. It took me 10 minutes to put it all together and I could not be happier with the end result. It's a wonderful way to display your earrings and other accessories while keeping it all organized. I made this particular one for my younger daughter however, you could do this on a much larger scale and make it as simple or fancy as you want. I think it is pretty thrifty chic!


  1. That is super cute - that frame is great! I love the fabric behind the mesh too ... that's a really nice touch. Great project!

  2. Love it! I think I may have to make one of these for my vintage pin collection I have.. Thanks for the great ideas! You always have great things to share, your blog is the BEST!

  3. I love this...I may have to do this with that frame I found at the Flea Market last weekend!! Did you link up with A Soft Place to Land for DIY Day? I've got that one & more links on my recent blog post.

  4. I love this idea...I have some chicken wire to do a similiar thing.. I LVE the finish on your frame. cherry

  5. Look who's talking about being inspired! It is you my dear who are inspiring! This is the best idea I've seen all week. I needed a way to organize my earring DESPERATELY, and you have just solved my problem. Thanks!

    My Desert Cottage

  6. what a fab idea. I might try this this weekend!

  7. I have a vintage frame very similar to yours and I might just have to make one of these. Thanks so much for the cute idea!!

  8. I love an easy project. Great and very useful redo.

  9. I love it. I just have to get some wire mesh! thanks for sharing

  10. Great Idea.. Love the frame.. Really cute.. Thank you for sharing.. My Girl's would love these.. I will need to make some.. They have alot more earrings than I do... Keep Creating!

  11. Oh, I love this! I think I might just have to be a copy cat!
