Jun 18, 2009

Repurposed Art

My brother runs five miles every morning. On his run he is always looking for curb side finds for me to repurpose, reuse, and/or recreate. One day he brought over a collection of cabinet doors. Some of them had panes of glass, others were just simple old doors. I have had a lot of fun creating different things out of them. i.e., chalk boards, message boards, and wall art. Recently, he was outplace at work and I thought I would give him this message in a bottle attached to one of those old cabinet doors to offer him words of encouragement. The message in the bottle reads:
No longer forward nor behind
I look in hope or fear:
But grateful, take the good I find
The best in now and here.
John Greenleaf Whittier


  1. How creative, love the fleur de lis!

  2. it is really amazing how you can see the beauty in the forgottenables... :)

  3. You have some great ideas. I love repurposing things. Great job.
