Jun 1, 2009

Old Typewriters

Photo Credit: Country Living Magazine
I had this typewriter or a version of this typewriter and I got rid of it about two years ago. I have regretted it every since. I have been searching for a simular one for quite a while now. I love the high back. I posted about a week ago one that I found an old type writer at a garage sale for $5.00 that will have to do for now. However, I will continue my search for the one that got away. I don't know what it is about these things but I love the old keys and the black casing. I have mine on an antique desk in my living room and I like to display old photos or post card in the keys. I love jewelry made out of the old keys but I could never bring myself to take the keys off one myself. I guess I am a closet hoarder but, this is why - as soon as I get rid of something I find a use for it! Does any out there have this issue.


  1. I love this. I love the sound they make. I have the same thing happen to me too regarding getting rid of something. And it can be years later and I will say " I should have kept that.."

  2. check out my typewriter find!
