Jun 14, 2009

Hand Made Pillows

Photo credit: Country living Magazine
I have been collecting vintage table cloth's that I purchased at flea markets and garage sales for quit some time now. Most of them are stained and tatter but that's o.k. because I want to cut them up and make pillows out of them. Collectively, they look amazing in an old wicker rocker sitting on the front porch or on a screen in porch. I have a sister who is an amazing seamstress and yet, I have always been afraid to attempt sewing. Then out of the blue, my 1o year old decided she wanted to learn how to sew and with the guidance of my talented sister they have made several darling things together. This has given me the courage to attempt a straight stitch. Especially, since my 10 year old can thread the machine for me. When I saw this photo, it gave me the inspiration I needed to get started. I hope you also feel inspired today!


  1. Where in the world are you finding time to blog with the kids home??? Everything is looking great. I knew you would love blogging. You are really good at it.
    Talk to you soon.

  2. I love these. Well done. They look amazing.

  3. Great idea for vintage fabric. I am with you on the sewing. My Mom is a wonderful seamstress but I never wanted to learn. Clothing construction class in college was horrible. For what ever reason I want to learn now! I used a lot of my vintage stuff on the front porch this year. Instead of sewing, I tucked!
